In today??s media rich world,?Introduction to Mass Communication?keeps media literacy and culture at its core. Using examples of the past to show how mass communications got their roots, and keeping current with the present??s emerging technologies and trends,?Introduction to Mass Communication?gives students a deeper understanding of the role media plays in both shaping and reflecting culture.? By understanding and evaluating the ways in which media convergence is changing the landscape of media today, students are encouraged to think critically about their own roles in society as active media consumers.? Through this cultural perspective, students learn that audience members are as much a part of the mass communication process as are the media technologies and industries.? The tenth edition maintains its commitment to enhancing students?? critical thinking and media literacy skills.? New and updated material, such as the 2016 Presidential election and the use of social media to link fans with artists and their music, reflects the latest developments in digital technologies, and highlights the most current research in the field.
Introduction to Mass Communication 11th Edition by Stanley Baran
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