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Barnett/Ziegler/Byleen is designed to help students help themselves succeed in the course. This text offers more built-in guidance than any other on the market?Dwith special emphasis on prerequisites skills?Dand a host of student-friendly features to help students catch up or learn on their own.

KEY TOPICS: A LIBRARY OF ELEMENTARY FUNCTIONS; Linear Equations and Graphs; Functions and Graphs; FINITE MATHEMATICS; Mathematics of Finance; Systems of Linear Equations; Matrices; Linear Inequalities and Linear Programming; Linear Programming: The Simplex Method; Logic, Sets, and Counting; Probability; Markov Chains; THREE: CALCULUS; Limits and the Derivative; Additional Derivative Topics; Graphing and Optimization; Integration; Additional Integration Topics; Multivariable Calculus; APPENDICES; Basic Algebra Review; Special Topics; Tables; Basic Geometric Formulas; Integration Formulas