With fully integrated DSM-5 criteria and current CACREP standards, Case Conceptualization and Effective Interventions by Lynn Zubernis and Matthew Snyder examines case conceptualization and effective treatments across the most common disorders encountered in counseling. The comprehensive approach helps readers develop their professional identities as well as their case conceptualization and intervention skills. Each chapter blends current theory and research with case illustrations and guided practice exercises to anchor the material in real-world application. Using an innovative new Temporal/Contextual (T/C) Model, the book provides an easy-to-apply and practical framework for developing accurate and effective case conceptualizations and treatment plans. Case Conceptualization and Effective Interventions is part of the SAGE Counseling and Professional Identity Series,which targets specific competencies identified by CACREP (Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Programs).
Case Conceptualization and Effective Interventions_ Assessing and Treating Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Disorders (2015, Sage Publications) – 9781483340081
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